BSA/AML Compliance Online Training 

Mortgage based anti-money laundering training for banks, credit unions and mortgage lenders.

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BSA/AML Compliance Online Training 

Mortgage based anti-money laundering training for your for banks, credit unions and mortgage lenders.

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AML Mortgage Mastery

A Mortgage Lender's Masterclass

Too many BSA/AML compliance courses ignore mortgage lenders and focus instead on bags of cash and the teller window. That’s not this course. This is a course for mortgage lenders and it addresses the risks of fraud and money laundering unique to you.

DaylightAML's coursework is founded on decades of experience dealing with mortgage fraud and money laundering. That's why our approach transcends shallow textbook lessons or the even worse AI generated content of some courses. We go deep, and we teach through engaging stories, battle-tested insights, and practical solutions that are the result of a career spent immersed in the world of loan fraud and money laundering. Get your BSA/AML compliance training from someone who knows your business.

Be compliant. Be prepared.


This Isn't Your Average Compliance Course

Our course offers veteran insights for your three lines of defense - for your Board, your executives and the consumer facing positions. AML Mortgage Mastery includes:

  • Special Board Training: Boards are busy. Our course gives the Board what they need to meet their obligations and avoid liability, personal and corporate. It's a sophisticated course designed specially for Boards. 
  • BSA/AML compliance Essentials:  Get all the BSA/AML essentials, designed for mortgage lenders: the pillars of your program, the duties of oversight and the risks of liability for OFAC and BSA violations. We make clear where fraud and money laundering risks come from through the stories of loan origination.
  • Fraud and Money Laundering Schemes: We examine more than a dozen frauds and money-laundering dangers. No other course dives this far into the "how-to" of your risks.
  • Investigation and Writing of SARs: SARs are a critical component of compliance. We are experts in investigation and SAR write-ups. Get the templates that will increase quality and efficiency. Get control of your communication with FinCEN.

Bob Simpson

The mortgage industry expert in fraud and anti-money laundering

Bob has been investigating fraud and money laundering for three decades. While most were oblivious, Bob saw the storm brewing before the 2008 housing market collapse. He saw the initial cracks in the system before they became chasms. And leading his team, they investigated tens of thousands of those fraudulent loans.

Now, by combining his deep understanding of loan origination with unparalleled investigative experience, Bob offers:

  • Unmatched experience: His experience as a loan officer, lawyer and investigator is unique, and qualifies him to analyze, detect and report on fraudulent loans.
  • Actionable insights: He goes beyond BSA/AML instruction to provide practical solutions to the management of fraud risks. He provides insights to management founded on decades of experience.
  • Proven expertise: With a voice that is respected across the lending industry, with the real world chops that come with tens of thousands of fraud investigations, and with an ability to instruct and enlighten, Bob Simpson is relied upon by a broad spectrum of industry leaders. In addition, media outlets rely on his experience and insight, including 60 Minutes. Take advantage of the training offered by this mortgage industry icon for your BSA/AML compliance education.

"A Master Class in mortgage fraud and money laundering. Priceless."

- A.R. Wallace

"Not only is the training delivered in a professional and engaging manner, but the material was targeted, meaningful and retainable. Daylight has set the bar high for all training in the future."- R. Snytsheuvel

"This course made clear my risks in a way no other course ever has."

- L. Alvarez


Anti-Money Laundering Education For Loan Originators.

Tired of generic, AI-created training that misses the mark? Need a course that applies to mortgage operations? This is that course. We give BSA/AML training based on real experiences of originators, underwriters and loan officers. This course, AML Mortgage Mastery, isn't for bank tellers or gold dealers. This is the Master Class for mortgage lenders (banks, credit unions, mortgage banks) seeking unparalleled expertise in fraud and anti-money laundering (AML) education.


Mortgage AML Insights

Where mortgage professionals get current on all relevant risks.

DaylightAML wants to hear from you! Share your insights on any of these topics and help us build a stronger community of knowledge around mortgage fraud and AML.

Mortgage Fraud: Pressure from Outsiders and Ethical Dilemmas

Feb 22, 2024

Preventing Mortgage Fraud: The Power of Robust KYC Practices

Feb 09, 2024


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"Occupancy Misrepresentation"

Stop wasting time struggling with SAR narratives - download our FREE occupancy misrepresentation template today!

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Training Is Required:

Get The Course Designed for Mortgage Lenders

Generic training leaves you uninformed. Get the mortgage-centric BSA/AML training based on lending experience and practical insights.

Why choose DaylightAML?

  • Go beyond textbook theory: Learn from real-world case studies, headlines and trends.
  • Focus on mortgage risks: You run a mortgage operation, whether bank, credit union, or non-bank lender. You want BSA education focused on your operation - not generic lectures.
  • Understand your risks of loan origination: Get trained on how third parties will expose you to risk, fines and loss. Guard against mortgage fraud and real estate money laundering.
  • Give your Board useful insights: Our Board training provides actionable insights for avoiding personal and corporate exposure for compliance failures. Board training presumes basic knowledge of AML compliance, giving a deep dive into proper BSA/AML management.

Don't spend time or money on courses that don't apply to you. Access our exclusive video library filled with lessons from your world - the mortgage world. It's the information you need to guard the gates and make confident decisions.

Enroll today. Be compliant. Be prepared.